joe said it's normal and he felt the same way too. =D so yay! im not the only one.
not like im never coming back anyway =/ its just probably 6 months. heck, i've not seen some of my friends for 6 months too. no bigs.
cute? yes! they are macaroons, fake ones.
more cute desserts! fake of course! from q-pot by tadaaki wakamatsu.
i've been ooh aahing over them for ages and because of that ..
i discovered a cute toy AGAIN. it's more like an adult's toy because i bet kids would make a mess outta it. i'ts that messy heheh. =.=
it's called..... Decotti! by takara tomy.
it allows you to customize your own dessert accessory and its so cute la omg..><
just squeeze the "cream" and deco with the strawberries and diamontes and let it dry i think!
and get this!
i costs about rm100 per box i think.. since its around 2900yen. which is quite expensive. o.o. for a keychain!
no wonder i see so many of these stuff labelled "handmade" in poupee girls. cheh. they bought that macaroon keychain making kit.
i thought they crafted everything from scratch. i was so impressed at 1st and thought, " wahhh, those jap girls so geng"