Wednesday, April 30, 2008


im in an incredibly happy mood right now! feel like jumping around and giving candies to everyone! woosh! there must be something in that 'lo mai kai' a.k.a glutinous rice with lotsa pork fats and god knows what they added into that dim sum. because there's this sudden surge of happiness after finishing my lunch. if only this lasts forever.

i dont know why but i've been spending alot lately, particularly on clothes. i told myself not to buy anymore because i dont want my luggage to be overweight when i leave. it's so hard for me to resist temptations *shoppaholic mode switched on* im supposed to save up for a dslr/NintendoDSlite which i've been eyeing for so long!! must must must stop buying unnecessary things and focus on my target!

so i suggested to mlynn that she and the rest of my friends should all donate/chip in to get a ndslite/dslr for my bday.. and she calculated that i'll need more than 150 ppl to chip in at least rm10. so despo.. *looks away*

a short lil post on American idol! : im so pissed that Carly Smithson got voted out! Brooke Bich White is still in, so is Jason Castrate Castro. those 2..annoying lil bugs. it's funny how much i hated David Cook last time because i thought he was arrogant and abit rock-star-wannabe-ish ..but im beginning to appreciate his voice now! my friend sent me studio versions of some of their songs..and im hooked to michael johns aka sexy 30yr old aussie 's 'A Days in the Life'. yay! at least i've got some sweet tunes to listen to! *gives away more candies!*

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