Wednesday, May 14, 2008

when you let your heart win!!

i removed by braces yesterday! well..only the bottom ones. *sad* and i keep hearing stories about how the removal part will be the worst and it felt like your teeth is being yanked exaggerated! -________________- i felt a click each time it's being removed. thats all. now, im waiiiitttinnng for the day to come where i can remove the upper part as well! sucha long wait...sheesh..ppl keep asking when im gonna get it removed already..and it bores me answer them the same thing over and over again.. some day loh!

currently addicted to Paramore's "that's what you get".. for a while, the lead singer kinda reminds me of avril last time, minus the teenage emo rockstar wannabe vibe. she rocked that red hair too.. love it...

a bat just flew into my house last night, everyone went crazy...'cept for my dad..who caught it. this is so random lah.

these 2 (HY and busty woman) will be the only ones accompanying be while the rest are...burried under their books. they aren't that free also actually.. aih.

and im desperate for a fringed sling bag now.. where to get leh.

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